Commit to Get Fit Starts New Tradition


SOUPer! New Additions to Commit to Get Fit Challenge

After eight successful years of helping our community get fit with the Commit to Get Fit Challenge, we’ve decided it’s time to stir things up!

This year’s event will take place on Sunday, October 16, in downtown Lewiston at Simard Payne Memorial Park on the Androscoggin River. This new location will encourage participants
to interact with the nearby St. Mary’s Nutrition Center, the beneficiary of the event’s proceeds, as well as the organizations it partners with in support of the community.

In addition to the traditional 5K run beginning at 8:30 a.m., St. Mary’s will host a new two-mile Harvest Walk. Walkers will receive a complimentary tote bag and soup recipe before heading out on a route that will lead them through the heart of the Nutrition Center’s downtown neighborhood. Walkers may collect a fresh ingredient for their soup at each stop with our community partners: the Trinity Jubilee Center, St. Mary’s B Street Clinic, Heart & Soil Community Garden, the Root Cellar, Tree Street Youth, Pine Street Garden, Community Credit Union, the proposed Community Food Center and the Farmers’ Market.

The Harvest Walk will begin after the run is completed, so participants can enjoy both segments of the event! Registration for the walk is required, but there is no cost to participate. Registration and a fee are required to participate in the 5K. Runners will receive a race T-shirt. Both the run and walk will begin and end at Simard Payne Memorial Park, where participants and their families can listen to music, sample treats from local food trucks, shop at the Lewiston Farmers’ Market or enjoy a snack from our oatmeal bar.

Plan now to join colleagues and neighbors on Sunday, October 16! Runners and walkers are asked to register online. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up.


St. Mary’s is grateful to the City of Lewiston as well as our business sponsors, community partners and volunteers for collaborating with us to present Commit to Get Fit 2022.

Presenting Sponsors

(207) 777-8100