Adolescent Behavioral and Mental Health Services

The Adolescent Behavioral Unit offers complete and convenient access to all of the hospital’s services and resources necessary to provide high quality, holistic patient care.  The Pediatric Behavioral Unit is staffed by psychiatrists, registered nurses, clinicians, counselors, social workers, teachers, recreation therapists, behavioral technicians and pastoral caregivers. The average length of stay will vary according to the patient’s diagnosis and prescribed method of treatment.

We provide structured treatment with a daily schedule of groups, school and individual sessions.  St. Mary’s was among the first in Maine to employ Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, DBT, with teens. DBT focuses on building portable, practical life skills and has proven to be very successful.  Adolescents work their way up a four-step level system by utilizing the skills they’ve learned. Parents are encouraged to continue these at home once their child has been discharged.

Referrals to the Adolescent Behavioral Unit can be initiated by calling our Behavioral Intake Department at 207-777-8700.

(207) 777-8100