
Why St. Mary’s Health System

A neurologist takes care of nervous system disorders including problems with brain, spinal cord and nerves. The team at St. Mary’s Neurology Associates is dedicated to improving the lives of those suffering from neurological disorders by providing compassionate, personalized care to every patient. We spend time getting to know our patients and the challenges they face in day-to-day life so that we can ensure everyone who walks through our doors leaves feeling genuinely cared for.



  • Epilepsy/Seizures
  • Electromyography (EMG)
  • Headaches
  • Head and Spinal Injuries
  • Memory Disorders
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Movement Disorders
  • Occipital Nerve Blocks
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • MS Clinic
  • Neuromuscular Disease
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Stroke
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Unexplained Neurological Symptoms

Migraine is a common neurologic disorder, affecting 36 million people in the United States. Migraine affects about 3 times more women than men. Research shows that migraine is more common than asthma and diabetes, combined. Migraine severity generally peaks between the ages of 25 and 55, though it is common for children to also suffer migraine attacks.

About Migraines

Meet Our Team

Our team of experts is here to help you navigate your health condition from assessment and diagnosis to treatment and follow-up. Click any of the provider names below to view a more detailed background and bio.

David Burke, MD

St. Mary’s Neurology Associates

Alison Daigle, DO

St. Mary’s Neurology Associates

(207) 777-8100