St. Mary’s Welcomes Skilled Nursing Staff from the Philippines

Cornerstone News

New nurses are on their way!

Aisel Adil, RN, nursing supervisor at d’Youville Pavilion, was born and educated in the Philippines and arrived in Lewiston, Maine, in 2003 to serve a three-year contract at d’Youville Pavilion. After three years, Aisel decided to stay in Maine and continue working at d’Youville Pavilion.

Aisel is one of several nurses St. Mary’s Health System has been fortunate to employ for many years. She lives in Lewiston with her family.

“I love my job because of the family I’ve fostered here over the years. My coworkers are amazing, and leadership truly cares about us. They have also given me the chance to take on a leadership role as a nurse. I know that what I do matters. I am proud my sons call Lewiston their home. We have made so many friends and we absolutely adore the caring community we have made over the years.”

Aisel Adil, RN, nursing supervisor, d'Youville Pavilion

With the onset of COVID-19, health care systems including St. Mary’s experienced staffing shortages. Although recruiting qualified nursing staff from international sources is not a new idea, it became an important resource at a time of national need.

Therefore, during the pandemic, the Medical Center consulted with the d’Youville Pavilion team about their experiences in successfully recruiting skilled nurses like Aisel from the Philippines. Shortly thereafter, a proactive plan to attract similar candidates was launched.

As a result of these recruitment efforts, 20 qualified nurses are expected to arrive from the Philippines in September/October and become full-time employees of St. Mary’s. These nursing recruits have earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree and have several years of direct patient care experience. The Philippines’ nursing education programs teach the same curriculum as their United States counterparts. In addition, virtual conversations with nursing candidates revealed they deeply value their Catholic faith and are excited to work in a faith-based hospital.

“Aisel and her husband are like a welcome committee to nurses arriving from the Philippines,” said d’Youville Pavilion’s director of nursing eldercare services and assistant administrator Marissa Varney. “They welcome the new nurses and provide reassurance.” Marissa expects they will wholeheartedly welcome the nurses arriving this fall. Pat Scherle, St. Mary’s chief nursing officer who teamed up with the Employee Experience staff, concurred that they look forward to warmly welcoming our new employees to our health system and to our local community.

(207) 777-8100