Meet Dr. Ramirez, Urologist

Cornerstone News

Michelle Ramirez, DO, is a practicing Maine urologist that newly joined St. Mary’s through our partnership with Maine Health. The Maine Health Joint Venture has helped bring medical specialists to our part of the state. The need for urology care is growing given that Maine’s population is aging. The St. Mary’s team is very grateful to have Dr. Ramirez helping to care for our community.

“One of the reasons I love urology is because of patient continuity,” remarks Dr. Ramirez. “It’s not just a surgical field. It is a specialty where you often follow your patients for life. I get to build long-term relationships with many of my patients. Plus, in this technical day and age, we have an extensive toolbox of medication, therapy, and procedures which can offer relief–not just a scalpel.”

For instance, Dr. Ramirez has brought two new minimally-invasive procedures to the practice: Urolift, which treats urinary symptoms related to an enlarged prostate, and Bulkamid, for stress-related urinary incontinence in females. She also offers Botox for urge incontinence and treats a range of urological conditions including stones, prostate and bladder cancer. Not only does our community benefit from the Maine Health Joint Venture, but Dr. Ramirez tells us that the participating staff do as well. “St Mary’s is truly centered around and focused on patient care. I appreciate being part of a hard-working team and collaborating with colleagues that love where they work. It is a community hospital, with a community culture. And access to care is essential to be able to truly help that community.”

For more information, visit urology at

(207) 777-8100