Pull Up Fund Grant Expands School-Based Mental Health Counseling

Cornerstone News

Thanks to a $500,000 grant from Pull Up Fund, Community Clinical Services (CCS) will be expanding its school-based mental health counseling through telehealth.

For more than 22 years, the school-based health centers have provided evidence-based care in close partnership and collaboration with the Lewiston and Auburn public schools. The new telehealth program will better serve students by:

  • Partnering with local community agencies to provide programs, care or shelter to youth, including offering safe telehealth spaces for connecting with counselors.
  • Providing tablets for at-risk students who are often absent from school so that they may easily connect to telehealth services.
  • Expanding its mental health and telehealth services to Auburn’s Franklin School and Lewiston’s Next Step School. These public alternative schools provide a small and unique classrooms for students with higher behavioral needs.
  • Offering telehealth services over the summer to ensure students have continuous access to high-quality mental health counseling services all year

CCS is committed to providing the highest-quality, most respectful and most compassionate care to all patients, regardless of their ability to pay. The strong partnership between CCS and St. Mary’s Health System allows patients to receive seamless, affordable and high-quality healthcare.

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