New Sensory Equipment Thanks to You!

Cornerstone News

Thank you to our Annual Fund and Employee Donors

The St. Mary’s Renaissance School is a unique resource for children in grades K-8 who have behavioral needs that keep them from succeeding in traditional public school. We aim to support students in reintegrating into their community by providing the specific clinical and medical services they need in a safe and compassionate setting.

We rely on gifts from philanthropic community members who want the best for our children to cover items beyond our basic operating expenses.

This past fall, our employees and community members supported sensory play – a vital part of the school’s learning program. It supports language development, cognitive growth, fine and gross motor skills, problem solving and social interaction.

Thanks to your gifts, the school has ordered play mats, tactile walls, books, games, weighted vests and fidget toys. Because of you, even more families can access dedicated teachers, therapists and psychiatrists who work so hard to help our children succeed.

“My classroom has benefited from and enjoyed the new purple floor mats,” says Tamara Campbell special education teacher. “We recently used them to do somersaults and cartwheels. One student worked at a beginning cartwheel and was able to bring his legs up and fall successfully. He couldn’t wait to go home and tell his mom about what he had accomplished!”

Read more of our 2022 Foundation Annual Report.

(207) 777-8100